connect_error) { echo "Error connecting to database (".$databasename."), Error: ".$mysqli->connect_error."
"; showerror(); } $querystr = "SELECT classyearsidway, classyearGIHS, count(*) FROM guestbook WHERE (classyearsidway!='') OR (classyearGIHS!='') GROUP BY classyearGIHS, classyearsidway ORDER BY classyearGIHS, classyearsidway;"; $result = $mysqli->query($querystr); if ($result->errno) { echo "Error in query, [".$querystr."], Error: ".$result->error."
"; showerror(); } echo "

Sidway Graduating Class:"; $count=11; $GIHSflag=0; while ($row = $result->fetch_row()) { if ($count > 10) { echo "
"; $count = 0; } Else { echo "|"; } if (trim($row[0])!="") { echo "".trim($row[0])." (".trim($row[2]).")"; } else { if ($GIHSflag==0) { echo "

Grand Island High School Graduating Class:
"; $GIHSflag=1; } echo "".trim($row[1])." (".trim($row[2]).")"; } $count=$count+1; } echo "

"; $querystr = "SELECT firstname, maidenname, lastname, edit, showemail, displaymail, classyearsidway, classyearGIHS, resident, ResFrom, ResTill, city, state FROM guestbook WHERE (classyearsidway!='') OR (classyearGIHS!='') ORDER BY classyearGIHS, classyearsidway, lastname;"; $result = $mysqli->query($querystr); if ($result->errno) { echo "Error in query, [".$querystr."], Error: ".$result->error."
"; showerror(); } $year=trim($row[6]); echo $year."

"; while ($row = $result->fetch_row()) { $flag=0; //if the user has a sidway grad year if (trim($row[6])!="") { if (trim($row[6])!=$year) { $year=trim($row[6]); echo "

Sidway Class of ".$year."
"; } //if the grad year matches the current year if (trim($row[6])==$year) { //if the users entry has been edited if (trim($row[3])==1) { //if the user wants their email address displayed if (trim($row[4])==1) { echo "
".trim($row[0]); if (trim($row[1])!="") { echo " '".trim($row[1])."'"; } echo " ".trim($row[2])." - "; } else { echo "".trim($row[0]); if (trim($row[1])!="") { echo " '".trim($row[1])."'"; } echo " ".trim($row[2])." - "; } if ((trim($row[8])=="past") || (trim($row[8])=="present")) { if ((trim($row[9])!="") && (trim($row[10])!="")) { echo "Resident ".trim($row[9])." - ".trim($row[10]); $flag=1; } } if ((trim($row[11])!="")&&(trim($row[11])!="GI")&&(trim($row[11])!="Grand Island")&&(trim($row[11])!="gi")&&(trim($row[11])!="grand island")) { if ($flag==1) { echo ", n"; } else { echo "N"; } echo "ow resides in ".trim($row[11]).", ".trim($row[12]); $flag=1; } if ($flag==0) { echo "No Information Provided"; } echo "
"; } } } //if the user has no sidway grad year, they have a GIHS grad year else { if (trim($row[7])!=$year) { $year=trim($row[7]); echo "

Grand Island High School Class of ".$year."
"; } //if the grad year matches the current year if (trim($row[7])==$year) { //if the users entry has been edited if (trim($row[3])==1) { //if the user wants their email address displayed if (trim($row[4])==1) { echo "
".trim($row[0]); if (trim($row[1])!="") { echo " '".trim($row[1])."'"; } echo " ".trim($row[2])." - "; } else { echo "".trim($row[0]); if (trim($row[1])!="") { echo " '".trim($row[1])."'"; } echo " ".trim($row[2])." - "; } if ((trim($row[8])=="past") || (trim($row[8])=="present")) { if ((trim($row[9])!="") && (trim($row[10])!="")) { echo "Resident ".trim($row[9])." - ".trim($row[10]); $flag=1; } } if ((trim($row[11])!="")&&(trim($row[11])!="GI")&&(trim($row[11])!="Grand Island")&&(trim($row[11])!="gi")&&(trim($row[11])!="grand island")) { if ($flag==1) { echo ", n"; } else { echo "N"; } echo "ow resides in ".trim($row[11]).", ".trim($row[12]); $flag=1; } if ($flag==0) { echo "No Information Provided"; } echo "
"; } } } } $mysqli->close(); //End for function } ?> Isledegrande's Gradlist

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