Approved minutes of the July 6, 2004 Town of Grand Island Board meeting



A regular meeting of the Town Board of Grand Island, New York was held at the Town Hall, 2255 Baseline Rd., Grand Island, NY at 8:00 PM on the 6TH of July 2004.


Present:                      Peter A. McMahon                   Supervisor

                                    Mary S. Cooke                        Councilwoman

                                    Richard W. Crawford             Councilman

                                    Daniel F. Robillard                  Councilman

                                    Gary G. Roesch                      Councilman

Patricia A. Frentzel                 Town Clerk

Daniel Spitzer                                     Town Attorney            


Reverend Douglas Smith of St. Timothy Lutheran Church gave the Invocation. 

Councilman Richard Crawford led the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Supervisor McMahon called the meeting to order at 8:00PM.



This is an opportunity for residents to comment on any matter regarding the meeting agenda items only.  No residents spoke.



A motion was made by Councilman Robillard, seconded by Councilwoman Cooke, to approve the minutes from Regular Meeting #11, June 21, 2004, Minutes of Workshop #27, June 21, 2004, Minutes of Workshop #28, June 23, 2004, Minutes of Workshop #29, June 28, 2004

APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0



Final Plat Approval – Park Place Subdivision – Phase V

A public hearing was held at 8:00 P.M. for the Final Plat Approval of Park Place Subdivision – Phase V. 

Speakers in favor: None

Speakers opposed: None

A motion was made by Councilman Crawford, seconded by Councilwoman Cooke to refer the matter to the Planning Board for review and recommendation.

APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0


Final Plat Approval – Oakwood Estates – Section 3

A public hearing was held at 8:00 P.M. for the Final Plat Approval of Oakwood Estates – Section 3.

Speakers in favor: None

Speakers opposed: None

A motion was made by Councilman Roesch, seconded by Councilman Robillard to refer the matter to the Planning Board for review and recommendation.

APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0



1.      New York State Senate - $4000 grant for G.I.P.D. Mobile Data Terminals

2.      G.I. Citizen Corps Request to Legislature for CERT kits for Citizen Corps Council Members

3.      National Fuel – Emergency and Non-Emergency Contact Information

4.      G.I. Fire Co. – Use of 400mhz Frequencies for Erie County Emergency Services

5.      Erie County Legislature - $8,000 funding – Public Education and Coyote Control

6.      Community Enrichment Council – Meeting Minutes – June 17, 2004

7.      Adelphia – CableCARD service to Adelphia subscribers

8.      Nancy Naples – Sales Tax Distribution – June 2004

9.      Erie County – Household Hazardous Waste Drop Off Day – July 17th – Praxair, Tonawanda, NY

10.  Economic Development Advisory Board – Meeting Minutes – June 24, 2004

11.  Erie Co. Dept. of Public Works – Division of Highways – Emergency Calls During Off Hours

12.  County of Erie – Dept. of Environment and Planning – Final 2003 Erie Co. Consolidated Annual Performance Report

13.  Clean Water State Revolving Fund for Water Pollution Control – Draft Intended Use Plan

A motion was made by Councilman Crawford, seconded by Councilwoman Cooke to approve the consent agenda. 

APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0




Town Employee Policy – ID Badges

A motion was made by Councilman Roesch, seconded by Councilwoman Cooke to adopt Town Human Resource Policy #38 –Employee ID Badges will be distributed to all employees of the Town of Grand Island.  ID are to be worn at all times, when contact with the public is likely, unless wearing the badge would constitute a safety hazard.  Effective date of policy is July 15, 2004.

APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0


 SEQR Finding Statement for Townwide Rezoning

A motion was made by Councilman Crawford, seconded by Councilwoman Cooke to adopt the SEQR Finding Statement as distributed:

Pursuant to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act - SEQRA) of the Environmental Conservation Law and the implementing regulations as expressed in 6 NYCRR Part 617, the Town of Grand Island, as Lead Agency, makes the following findings.

Action:            Adoption of the Town of Grand Island Zoning Code


Location:        Town of Grand Island, Erie County, New York.


Project Sponsor:      Town of Grand Island Town Board

2255 Baseline Road

Grand Island, New York 11072


Contact Person for Lead Agency:

Town of Grand Island Town Board

2255 Baseline Road

Grand Island, New York 11072

(716) 773-9600



Date Final GETS Filed:        December 16, 2002


Description of Action:


The action involves the adoption of a proposed Zoning Code and associated Zoning Map for the Town of Grand Island.  The proposed Zoning Code will replace the current zoning code.


The purpose of the proposed Zoning Code is to provide for the orderly growth of the Town of Grand Island and to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the general public.  The proposed Zoning Code sets requirements on the use of land and size, height and bulk of uses.  Specific areas have been designated for residential, business and industrial growth to protect the overall character of the Town, ensure the development of cohesive neighborhoods and minimize conflicts among land uses.  The proposed Zoning Code will also implement the Town Comprehensive Plan, the Ferry Village Master Plan, and the Town Local Waterfront Revitalization Program.


Public Need and Benefit:


There is an established public need for growth to occur in an orderly manner in the Town of Grand Island to ensure the efficient and adequate provision of public services.  In addition, future growth should occur in a manner that maintains the unique aesthetic characteristics of the waterfront of this island town, preserves significant environmental habitats, and preserves the community character of the Town of Grand Island.  This will benefit the residents and visitors to the Town of Grand Island by providing an enjoyable quality of life.


Facts and Conclusions Relied on to Support the Decision:


Adoption of the Town of Grand Island Zoning Code will have no direct impact on the physical environment of the community.  It will not result in the direct undertaking or approval of any development activity, either private or public.  The purpose of the proposed zoning code is to provide the land use regulation necessary to control growth as it occurs in the Town of Grand Island in accordance with the adopted plans.


Substantial review of the potential environmental impacts of future development has already occurred.  Generally, the impacts of future development in the Town of Grand Island have been adequately discussed on a town-wide basis in all of the SEQRA documents itemized below (hereafter referred to as “the referenced SEQRA documents”).  For this reason, the referenced SEQRA documents were included by reference as part of the Supplemental Generic EIS.

•    The Town of Grand Island Comprehensive Plan Phase I Inventory and Analysis Summary (The Saratoga Associates, 1991)

•    The Town of Grand Island Comprehensive Plan Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement (The Saratoga Associates, 1994)

•    The Town of Grand Island Comprehensive Plan Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement (The Saratoga Associates, 1994)

•    Ferry Village Final Report and Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement (URS Corporation, 1997)

•    Ferry Village Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement (URS Corporation, 1998)

•    Town of Grand Island Comprehensive Plan as revised (URS Corporation, 1998).

•    Town of Grand Island Comprehensive Plan as revised (URS Corporation, 2002).


Relevant environmental impacts evaluated to support these findings are discussed in the Supplemental Generic EIS.  Key impacts evaluated include those listed below:


Geographic and Land Use


The potential for environmental impacts is reduced as the density of development is reduced.  Some areas are proposed for more intensive development and were evaluated in the SGEJS and discussed below.


Several areas within the Town of Grand Island have been proposed for more intensive development than would have been permitted under the current Zoning Code.  The rationale for allowing more intensive development was to provide reasonable opportunities for economic development.  Residential development is proposed to be focused in the Town Center area and areas to the north and east within existing sewer districts, reducing impacts to agricultural lands. This is consistent with state development policies and new urbanism principles aiming at reducing sprawl.  Specific areas proposed for more intensive development are discussed in the SGEIS.  There are numerous areas that had zoning classifications that permitted less intensive development and, presumably, less potential for significant impacts.  Increased densities of development are proposed in areas that are already developed or proximate to developed areas and thus have less significant environmental features.  Focusing development within these areas will decrease development pressure on other parts of the Town of Grand Island where more significant environmental features are present.


Water Resources

No additional impacts will occur as a result of the proposed Zoning Code and Zoning Map.  Project specific impacts to groundwater and surface water should be more extensively evaluated in cases where a permit or review is required by any other state or federal permit, excluding health department reviews for on-site septic systems.


Terrestrial Ecology

Wetlands are dynamic systems and specific projects should be reviewed to ensure that New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) wetlands are not significantly impacted as evidenced by the issuance of a permit by the NYSDEC.  In addition, federal wetlands should be reviewed to ensure that federal wetlands are not significantly impacted, as evidenced by the affirmation of a Nationwide permit by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE).



Generally, the impacts of future development on transportation in the Town of Grand Island have been adequately discussed on a town-wide basis in all of the referenced SEQRA documents and the adoption of the proposed Zoning Code and Zoning Map will not result in any additional impacts.



The impact of the proposed Zoning Code will be to locate the majority of future development (including residential and commercial activities) in the Town Center area and northeast portion of the town.


Cultural Resources

Potential adverse impacts on aesthetic resources have been reduced compared to what would occur under the current Zoning Code because of enhanced recommendations for visual screening, land use buffering, streetscape improvements and visual resources preservation.  Provisions for cluster development and the implementation of Enhanced Environmental Districts will permit the preservation of important visual resources.


Cumulative Impacts

Cumulatively, the amount of development that will occur under the proposed Zoning Code will be equal to or less than that permitted under the current Zoning Code.  This is because growth is focused in areas that are already developed or immediately adjacent to developed areas.  The utilization of cluster developments and Enhanced Environmental Districts will provide more open space than would have occurred under the current Zoning Code.  This would relate to fewer environmental impacts on a town-wide basis.


Proposed Mitigation Measures:


Because the adoption of the Town of Grand Island Zoning Code will not result in any direct or indirect impacts on the physical environment, no mitigation is proposed or necessary as a result of the proposed action.


Consistency with Coastal Policies:


The preparation and adoption of the proposed Zoning Code is consistent with State Coastal Policies.  One part of the purpose of the proposed Zoning Code is to implement the policies of the proposed Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. These are expressed in Section 3.1 of the proposed Local Waterfront Revitalization Program.


WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Grand Island declared itself Lead Agency for the purpose of the State Environmental Quality Review Act process for the preparation and adoption of development of a new Zoning Code and associated Zoning; and


WHEREAS, the Draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement for the Town of Grand Island Proposed Zoning Code and Zoning Map was accepted by the Lead Agency as complete and adequate for public review on December 16, 2002; and


WHEREAS, the Town conducted a public comment period for the review of the Draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement for the Town of Grand Island Proposed Zoning Code and Zoning Map; and

WHEREAS, copies of the Draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement for the Town of Grand Island Proposed Zoning Code and Zoning Map have been made available for public review at the local library and the Town Clerk’s Office; and


WHEREAS, multiple public hearings in accordance with 6 NYCRR §617.9(a)(4) and Article 16 of the Town Law §264 were held; and


WHEREAS, this public hearing was properly noticed in a local newspaper of general circulation and the Environmental Notice Bulletin; and


WHEREAS, the public comment period for the review of the Draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement for the Town of Grand Island Proposed Zoning Code and Zoning Map was closed; and


WHEREAS, substantive comments regarding the Draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement for the Town of Grand Island Proposed Zoning Code and Zoning Map were not received during the public comment period; and


WHEREAS, the Draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement for the Town of Grand Island Proposed Zoning Code and Zoning Map was accepted as the Final Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement (FGEIS) for the Adoption of the Town of Grand Island Zoning Code and Zoning Map; and


WHEREAS, the Town of Grand Island has adhered to the required timeframes for the adoption of findings as expressed in 6 NYCRR §617.11(a).


THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Lead Agency adopt the attached findings to approve the Town of Grand Island Proposed Zoning Code and Zoning Map.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Town BOARD hereby enacts as Local Law No. 3 of 2004 the Town of Grand Island Proposed Zoning Code and Zoning Map.




APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0



Request to Advertise for Bids for Purchase of Payroll Computer Hardware & Software

A motion was made by Councilman Robillard, seconded by Councilman Crawford to adopt the resolution to authorize publication for bids for purchase of computer hardware and software to streamline payroll and human resource functions:

            WHEREAS, in order to more efficiently manage the Town of Grand Island’s payroll systems, the Town Board of the Town of Grand Island is in need of 6 modem hand readers, and related software as necessary to integrate such equipment with the Town’s payroll systems.

            WHEREAS, the Town Board has determined to advertise for bids for such hand readers and related software, and


            RESOLVED that the Town Clerk is hereby directed to publish a Notice to Bidders for the 6 modem hand readers and related software, said notice to be published in the official newspaper of the Town of Grand Island, and be it further

            RESOLVED, that sealed bids will be received at the Town Clerk’s Office in Town Hall, 2255 Baseline Road, Town of Grand Island, New York 14072 until the 16th of July 2004 at 2:00p.m. at which time the Town Clerk is directed to open said bids.

APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0




Application for Special Use Permit – Mark & Marcia Lange, 2303 Staley Road – Keeping of 4 Equine Animals

A motion was made by Councilman Roesch, seconded by Councilman Robillard to set a Public Hearing for Monday July 19, 2004 at 8 p.m. for the purpose of hearing anyone who wishes to comment in favor of or against the Application for Special Use Permit – Mark & Marcia Lange, 2303 Staley Road for the keeping of up to 4 equine animals.

APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0


Renewal of Special Use Permit – Sandy Beach Yacht Club (Parking Lot)

A motion was made by Councilman Crawford, seconded by Councilman Robillard to renew the Special Use Permit for the Sandy Beach Yacht Club (Parking Lot), East River Road.  The site has been inspected and is unchanged.

APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0


Renewal of Special Use Permit – Cingular Wireless – Cellular Antenna on Water Tower – 85 Carl Road

A motion was made by Councilwoman Cooke, seconded by Councilman Robillard to renew the Special Use Permit for Cingular Wireless – Cellular Antenna on the Water Tower, 85 Carl Road.  The site has been inspected and is unchanged.

APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0


Renewal of Special Use Permit – Thomas Thompson, 2487 Long Rd. – Keeping up to 2 Equine Animals

A motion was made by Councilman Robillard, seconded by Councilwoman Cooke to renew the Special Use Permit for Thomas Thompson, 2487 Long Rd. for keeping up to two equine animals.  The site has been inspected and is unchanged.

APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0


Renewal of Special Use Permit – Florence Prawel, 2400 Fix Rd. – Keeping up to 3 Equine Animals at 993 Whitehaven Road

A motion was made by Councilman Robillard, seconded by Councilwoman Cooke to renew the Special Use Permit for Florence Prawel, 2400 Fix Rd. for keeping up to three equine animals at 993 Whitehaven Road.  The site has been inspected and is unchanged.

APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0







Resolution authorizing Supervisor to Sign Consent to Change Attorney

A motion was made by Councilman Crawford, seconded by Councilwoman Cooke to authorize the Supervisor to sign the Consent to Change Attorney for a lawsuit from Brown & Kelly, LLP to Robert M. Lippman, Esquire.

APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0


Resolution to Accept Annexed Deed of Dedication and Laying out Town Highway to be Known as Hazelwood Lane

A motion was made by Councilwoman Cooke, seconded by Councilman Robillard to accept the Annexed Deed of Dedication and laying out town highway to be known as Hazelwood Lane:


            RESOLVED that, in accordance with the provisions of Section 171 of the Highway Law of the State of New York, consent is given that the Highway Superintendent of the Town of Grand Island make an Order accepting and laying out the aforesaid town highways to be known as Hazelwood Lane, the Town highways to consist of the lands described in the deed of dedication, subject to the approvals of the Town Engineer and the attorneys for the Town, and it is further


            RESOLVED that, subject to the approvals of the Town Engineer and the attorneys for the Town and the Order of the Highway Superintendent laying out the aforesaid town highways to be known as Hazelwood Lane, the Town Board hereby accepts the annexed deed of dedication, provided it is filed by the attorney for the Niagara Development Group, LLC, or his representative, in the Erie County Clerk’s Office and the attorneys for the Town are provided with a certified copy thereof documenting such satisfactory filing.   


APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0


Order to Accept Hazelwood Lane as Town Highway

A motion was made by Councilman Crawford, seconded by Councilwoman Cooke, subject to the approval of Highway Superintendent, Town Engineer, and Town Attorney to accept Hazelwood Lane as a Town Highway.

APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0


Set a Public Hearing for Park Place Subdivision Phase II – Lighting District #36

A motion was made by Councilman Robillard, seconded by Councilwoman Cooke to set a Public Hearing for Monday July 19, 2004 at 8 p.m. for the purpose of hearing anyone who wishes to comment in favor of or against the establishment of the Park Place Subdivision Phase II - Lighting District #36.

APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0



Site Plan Approval – American Pharmaceutical Partners, Inc. – 3159                Staley Rd.

An application, fees and related documents were received by the Town Engineer requesting site plan approval for the construction of an expansion to the Powder Building facility.  A motion was made by Councilman Robillard, seconded by Councilman Roesch to refer the matter to the Planning Board for review and recommendation.

APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0


Preliminary Approval – Island Landings Subdivision – Subdivision No. 103

An application proposed plan, SEQR forms and other related documents were received by the Town Engineer requesting preliminary approval for Island Landings Subdivision No. 103.  A motion was made by Councilwoman Cooke, seconded by Councilman Robillard to refer the matter to the Planning Board for review and recommendation.

APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0


Bike Trail Connect Project – Request for Heritage Preservation & Interpretation to Complete Phase a/b Cultural Resource Investigation

A motion was made by Councilman Crawford, seconded by Councilwoman Cooke to authorize Supervisor to sign the contract with Heritage Preservation & Interpretation Inc. to complete Phase 1a/b cultural resource investigation for the Bike Trail Project.  The cost will not exceed $8,225 that is funded by the grant.

APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0



Revised Site Plan Request – 2995 Grand Island Blvd.

A motion was made by Councilwoman Cooke, seconded by Councilman Robillard to approve the request of the Revised Site Plan Request – 2995 Grand Island Blvd.

APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0



Change Job Title – Water/Accounting Department

A motion was made by Councilman Crawford, seconded by Councilman Robillard to rescind the appointment of Diane Nesbitt as Clerk Typist in Water/Accounting Department retroactively to date of appointment.  Diane has never occupied the position.

APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0


A motion was made to transfer Diane Blum from Water/Wastewater Department to Water/Accounting Department effective immediately.

APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0



Metzger Civil Engineering – Scenic Woods Subdivision – Baseline and Love Roads

A motion was made by Councilwoman Cooke, seconded by Councilman Robillard to refer this correspondence to the Town Attorney, Town Engineer and Planning Board for review and recommendation.

APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0




Kimberly Glessner – Board of Ethics Committee Resignation Letter 

A motion was made by Councilman Robillard, seconded by Councilwoman Cooke to accept the letter of resignation from Kimberly Glessner from the Board of Ethics Committee with regret and to send a certificate of appreciation to Ms. Glessner.

APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0


A motion was made by Councilman Crawford, seconded by Councilman Robillard to authorize the Supervisor to advertise for the vacancy on the Grand Island Board of Ethics.

APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0


George & Eileen Minton – School Crossing Guard Resignation Letter

A motion was made by Councilman Crawford, seconded by Councilman Robillard to accept the letter of resignations from Eileen and George Minton as School Crossing Guards as of June 23, 2004 with regret and to send a certificates of appreciation to Mr. & Mrs. Minton.

APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0


A motion was made by Councilman Crawford, seconded by Councilwoman Cooke to authorize the Supervisor to advertise for the replacement Crossing Guards.

APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0


Paul Leuchner – Concerns of Posting of Unlawful Signs on Town Right of Ways

A motion was made by Councilwoman Cooke, seconded by Councilman Robillard to refer this correspondence to the Sign Committee headed by John McCarthy.

APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0


Bill Torchia – Follow up on Westwood Dr. Paper Street Abandonment

A motion was made by Councilman Roesch, seconded by Councilman Robillard to refer the request of Bill Torchia – Follow up on Westwood Dr. paper street abandonment to the Planning Board for review and recommendation.

APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0



A motion was made by Councilwoman Cooke, seconded by Councilman Roesch to pay Vouchers #76235 – 76334:

General    $ 60,082.11

Highway   $  2,819.54

Sewer      $  2,522.78

Water       $  2,061.00

Capital     $  7,514.50

Garbage   $    308.00

Total       $172,687.50


APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0



This is an opportunity for residents to comment on any matter regarding Town government on any subject.  No residents spoke.



Councilwoman Cooke: Household Hazardous Waste Pick Up – Saturday July 17, 2004 from 9am-2pm at Praxiar, Tonawanda, NY.



A motion was made by Councilman Roesch, seconded by Councilwoman Cooke to adjourn the meeting at 8:28P.M.

APPROVED    Ayes    5          Cooke, Crawford, Robillard, Roesch, McMahon

                        Noes    0


A moment of silence was observed in memory of the following.


Wayne Cook

Linda Wright

Lilian Robinson


Respectfully Submitted,  

Patricia A. Frentzel
Town Clerk