Cubmaster - Mike Romeo
Assistant Cub Master – Robert Osuchowski
Committee Chairperson - Colleen Huff
"Cub Pack 630 - Previous News"
(An interesting weekly newsletter that shares stories with Scouts and Scouters)
"Scouting Way"
Click to view.
Cub Scout Pack 630 Information Night! - September 2018
Cub Scout Pack 630 would like to welcome all boys/girls entering Kindergarten thru to 5th grades (SY18-19) the opportunity to attend a program informational night on Monday, September 10th. The event will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the cafeteria at Saint Stephen's School, located on Baseline Road, Grand Island. If you are interested in learning about the programs/community service that we engage in but are unable to attend on September 10th, please feel free to attend our first Pack meeting in the cafeteria on Monday, September 24th. at 6:30 p.m. or contact Mike Romeo at 716.510.5985. See photos of Summer 2018 activities.Scrap for Scouts Fundraiser - June 2017

From left: Bethany Lovern, Caden Lovern, Pete Marston, George Woloszyn, George Woloszyn, Sr.
Recently, Pete Marston of Marston Power Equipment came up with a fundraiser called "Scrap for Scouts." Metal was collected to send to the scrapyard, and $550 in proceeds went to Cub Scout Pack 630. Thanks go to George Panepinto of Pinto Dumpsters, for providing the donation of the dumpster and trucking to the scrapyard. Another "Scrap for Scouts" is planned for the end of July, so save your scrap and help the Cup Scouts out!!. .
Cub Scout Information Night! - July 2016

Pack and Family - Memorial Day Flag Planting - May 2016

2nd Grade Wolf Den Blue and Gold Dinner - February 2016
Cub Scout Pack 630 would like to welcome all boys entering Kindergarten thru to 5th grades (SY16-17), the opportunity to attend a program information night on Monday, July 11th. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the Hospitality Room located at Saint Stephen’s Church on Baseline Road, Grand Island.This year, we are excited to introduce a pilot program, specifically designed, for incoming Kindergarten students (SY 16-17). If you are interested in learning about the programs/community service that we engage in but are unable to attend on July 11th, please contact Mike Romeo 716.510.5985 or Colleen Huff at 716.773.1595.
Pack 630 Community Project - April 2011

Click photo for larger view.
Each year Cub Pack 630 does a community project under the direction of Den leader Kim Wright. This year the cub scouts and family members cleaned up the litter from the grounds between Rite Aid Pharmacy and the Grand Island Post Office. Great job and thank you from the community!
Pack 630 Blue & Gold Dinner - Feb. 2011

Click photo for larger view.
Cub Pack 630 celebrated many scout achievements on Saturday, February 12th at the annual Blue & Gold Dinner. Among the achievements, nine scouts received their Religious Emblem awards. In the front row, receiving the Light of Christ award are Connor Lenhard, Brendan Ehlenfield, and Marek Eddy. In the second row receiving the Parvuli Dei award are Jacob Eddy and Nick Payan. Receiving the God & Me award is Zach Sprenkle. Patrick Stouter receiving the Parvuli Dei. In the back row are Cubmaster Stephen Stouter and Paul Sprenkle who received the God & Family award. Not pictured is Joey Schnettler who received the Light of Christ. Congratulations!
Cub Scout Sign Up Night - 2010
Cub Scout Pack 630 will host a sign up night on Monday, September 20, 2010 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at St.Stephen’s, 2100 Baseline Road, Grand Island, in the basement of the Old Church. All boys in grades 1 - 5 or ages from 6 to 10 years old are invited to join Scouting. For more information, call Stephen Stouter at (716) 583-3003Join the Fun! Join Cub Scouting! - May 2010

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Cub Scouting wants you! Now is the time to join the fun and excitement of
America's foremost youth program for boys - Cub Scouting. A sign-up night
will be held at 6:30 PM on Monday, May 17th at St. Stephen RC Church, 2100
Baseline Road.
Designed for boys ages 7 to 10, Cub Scouting combines outdoor activities,
sports, academics, and more in a fun and exciting program that helps families teach ideals such as honesty, good citizenship, and respect.
The Boy Scouts of America is composed of more than 1.27 million volunteers
working together for the sole purpose of helping its more than 3 million
youth succeed in life.
For more information, contact Stephen Stouter, Cubmaster at (716)
Cub Scout Pack 630 Clean-Up - April 2010

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Members of Cub Scout Pack 630, under the leadership of Russ Person, are shown just before beginning clean up at Veterans Park on Saturday, April 10.
Cub Scout Pack 630 Round-Up - 2009
Calling all boys in grades 1-5. Are you interested in meeting new friends, trying new things, and having fun? Then Cub Scouts may be for you! St. Stephen’s Cub Scout Pack 630 is having a round up for new scouts on Tuesday, September 15 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and also from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, September 22 in the St. Stephen's Old Church Basement. If you are interested, come on down, or call Stephen Stouter at 609-3574 for more information.