MVK Offers Fundraiser Opportunity - April 2015
The Most Valuable Kids (MVK) organization is offering a fundraising opportunity to Island groups. They have Buffalo Bison's ticket vouchers for sale as a fundraiser for MVK Event Tickets. They can be exchanged for any game - best seat available, at the box office. Tickets are being sold for $8 each for any Bisons home game (excluding July 3rd - BPO night), normally tickets sell between $10-$14. They will deliver them to any address on the Island or mail them if need be. Tickets can be ordered from Dean at deangallagher@verizon.net.MVK is a organization that allows underserved children in our area the opportunity to experience professional and collegiate sports and arts and cultural entertainment events through a unique ticket donation system.
MVK Bowlathon - December 2012
The Most Valuable Kids of WNY along with Verizon is sponsoring their first Bowlathon on Friday, December 7th from 7pm - midnight. The event is not just a fundraiser for MVK, but also an opportunity for all youth in the WNY area to come out and have a fun night of bowling and food at no cost. All organizations are welcome to bring as many children, chaperones, bowlers and friends as possible. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor contact Dean Gallagher at deangallagher@verizon.net.Alex's Army at UB Football Game - September 2012

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The picture above shows 40+ fans who came out to support Island resident Alex Neutz as the UB Bulls took on Kent State Wednesday night, September 19, 2012. The game was shown on national TV, and although the Bulls came up a bit short, the perfect fall evening was an enjoyable event for all of "Alex's Army". The outing was sponsored by Most Valuable Kids of Western New York. MVK is a non-profit whose purpose is to "strengthen and enhance the community by enriching the lives of children." The group passes out donated tickets to professional and collegiate sports, and arts and cultural entertainment events. Check out the MVK website MVKofwny.com for details.MVK Fundraiser - Sept. 2012

The Most Valuable Kids of Western New York is having a fundraiser at the next University at Buffalo football game on Wednesday, September 19th. The fundraiser is a salute to Alex Neutz night. Grand Island native Alex Neutz is a wide receiver for the Bulls with four touchdown catches at the last game against Morgan State, a team record. For $25 you will receive a ticket to the game against Kent State and a t-shirt that has "Neutz's Army" written on it. For more information and tickets call 310-5039. MVKofwny.com