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Ransom Road Traffic Safety

On Tuesday, January 18th, 2011 a young boy trying to cross Ransom Road to go to the Connor Middle School was hit by a school bus. Fortunately, he escaped serious injury, although he was cut and bruised. The problem is there is no safe crossing for the walkers on Ransom Road. The child is the son of a mom who wrote a letter to the editor last fall urging drivers to drive with caution on Ransom Rd. Let us know if you have any thoughts or comments on the issue you would like to share.

If you wish to have a comment posted, please send your email to:
Teddy Linenfelser or Jodi Robinson with the appropriate details.

I want to be counted as "one more voice" regarding the crossing issues at the Middle School and High School.
Although I do not live near the Ransom Road school area, I have wondered, even before hearing about the recent school bus accident, how the students walking to school can cross the road safely. I have been to the school a handful of times during the heavy traffic of school dismissal, as well as after events and other functions dismiss.
I would like to voice my concern to you as members of our School Board, Town Council and Traffic Advisory Board regarding the safety of the students who cross Ransom Road.
I would very much like to see the school district and the town follow through with their suggestions, which I understand include:
* Providing bus transportation for the students who live "within walking distance" and must cross Ransom Road
* Creating and posting a designated school zone
* Posting a lowered speed limit within the school zone
* Creating a crosswalk, with stop signs for pedestrian crossing
* Increased lighting
* Increased police patrols during the high traffic times
As we know, it is easy to make suggestions for improvement but typically it is more difficult to follow through.
Clearly the safety of students should be an absolute priority.
Thanks for your time and consideration.
Sincerely, Sarah Sander

With the new bus schedule that area is a complete nightmare!!! I drive my children to school every morning on my way to work. Believe it or not, it is faster to go back to the river to get to the thruway than it is to try and get down Ransom Road. On the morning of the accident I turned to my daughter and said “a kid has been hit”. This was as far away as International Drive. That is the only reason for rescue vehicles to be in front of the school at that time. As I said this, my heart sank into my stomach and I felt sick. I don’t know how much money this new busing schedule is but I have never seen any school zone as bad as that one. Something needs to be done and quick!!!!!
Donna Spiker

The only word to describe the traffic on Ransom Road and nearby streets now is chaotic. The number of vehicles driven by parents to drop their children off has seemingly doubled since the previous school year and the newer time for the middle school. Living on a side street near the schools, it is very difficult trying to make a left-hand turn onto Ransom Road in order to get to work in the morning. The sensible thing to do it turn right and drive towards East River Road and past the schools. Upon seeing the car park in the morning, the closest description is a sort of airport scenario; buses and vehicles all queued to return back to Ransom Road and their destinations. All it takes is just one motorist to be in a rush to make their way onto Ransom Road and not see that other vehicle or pedestrian.
It is dangerous for students walking to school, as well as motorists, as I witness vehicles every morning passing other vehicles on the shoulder of the road. It does not matter if it is on Ransom Road or a motorist turning right off of Ransom Road onto Stoney Point Road where traffic is building from the north and south. The morning the student was hit I waited patiently to make a left onto Ransom and a couple motorist from each direction on Ransom Road were nice enough to let me make my turn, but knowing how people drive and the intense hurry they need to be in, I was anticipating someone to pass the motorist heading toward Stoney Point Road... no sooner I thought about it several vehicles passed on their right.
Thankfully the student escaped serious injury, but I am not willing to find out, what will it take for there to be a couple crossing guards for both the middle school and the high school? It should not have to come down to another student being hit and worse news. If money can be spent on a traffic circle then something can be done to assure the safety of others on Ransom Road. This incident should have never happened in the first place given the time to prepare for the increase in traffic volume and other conditions including weather and lighting. Being the incident happened near a school, we were taught from philosophers and leaders that history should be learned so that it does not repeat.
Craig Kopra

The morning on Ransom Rd is an absolute nightmare. A signal is needed at the corner of Ransom and Stony Pt., before someone gets in a serious acident! Now that the MS and HS hours are the same time, we have triple the traffic and buses. Also, perhaps since its so early and almost dark, the Ransom Rd area and surrounding walkers should be on the bus to school PERIOD!. It's very dark and unsafe for any child to be walking to school...let alone an 11 year old! So we are forced to drive our kids, use gas AND pay taxes! HOORAY FOR US! Just about ANYTHING could happen. I suppose we will need another serious problem to happen, before action happens for this issue as well. The district/transportation got their way on the hour changes, but did nothing for the walkers in the dark..involved. Just sayin!
~Anonymous concerned resident

There most certainly are unaddressed traffic safety concerns in the Ransom Road area as well as the Ransom/Stony/Bedell Road area. The neighbors have been trying to get SOMEONE to listen for years. It all falls on deaf ears. To the family of the young man struck by the bus, thank goodness your son is alright. I don't know the exact circumstances of the accident, but I am very sorry that you feel your concerns about the safety of your family and the community in general have not been addressed. I know that feeling, and it's not a good one. Perhaps the various boards that govern both our town and schools and any current and potential developers in the area could work together to make this area safer to navigate for everyone.
Jennifer Dzielski

Regarding traffic issues -- Why is it that someone has to get hurt or die before something is done about an existing problem? Here in The Woodlands, Texas, we have painted crosswalks and paid crossing guards at intersections and posted slower speed limits. A stop sign is temporarily put at some locations. I'm so glad the boy didn't get seriously hurt or die from this incident.
Laureen Hess

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