Previous Town Board News Pages
Town of Grand Island Website
Approved Town Board Meeting Minutes - Mon., June 21, 2010
Click for 6/21/10 Town Board Meeting Minutes.Town Board Meeting Agenda - July 6, 2010
Click for 7/6/10 Town Board Meeting Agenda.Approved Town Board Meeting Minutes - Mon., June 7, 2010
Click for 6/7/10 Town Board Meeting Minutes.Town holds SEQR on cell towers, sets four public hearings - June 2010
By Joelle Logue
Mon., June 21, 2010 . . . The Town Board, in a workshop prior to the official Town meeting Monday, held State Environmental Quality Reviews on three proposed Verizon cell towers to be located at Fix Road, Veterans Park and the Metz Bldg. (former Dunlop Bldg.). All were given negative declarations meaning no detrimental impact to the environment. Next step for Verizon is to request variances from the Zoning Board of Appeals. If needed, Verizon will then seek site plan approval from the Planning Board before seeking final approval at the July 19 Town Board meeting.
Four public hearings have been set for the next Town Board meeting Tuesday, July 6 at 8 p.m. The Town Board voted to table a request from Mighty Taco for a site plan application and instead scheduled a public hearing to consider rezoning and special use for the proposed restaurant with a drive-thru window at 2455 Grand Island Blvd. A special use request for a residential dog grooming business at 873 Amy Dr. by Jan Symon will be aired as well as a request for a block party at Wallace Drive and Huth Rd. and Wallace Dr. and South Park from 2-5 p.m. on Saturday, July 10.
The fourth public hearing will consider a revised concept development plan (proposed PDD) for Whitehaven Farms at River Oaks. Currently zoned R-2 west of Golf Course Villas, the proposed project would have larger homes on the cul-de-sac and groups of larger and smaller homes on the southeastern portion of the project. The revised plan includes moving the roadway connecting from the project site to Whitehaven Road to the east so it will be aligned with the future roadway on the opposite side of Whitehaven Rd. to Bonnywoods. Proposed lots that have frontage on the northwestern cul-de-sac are modified to have widths of at least 80 ft. Those on the northern boundary not on the cul-de-sac (13 lots) will have a width of 80 ft. Lots with frontage on the roadway on the southeastern portion have been modified o have a width of 80 ft. The depth of all lots located between portions of the internal roadways that are parallel and oriented east to west have been modified to have a depth of 155 ft. The width of Lot #40 was increased from 83 ft. to 100 ft. and the width of Lot #77 was increased from 70 ft. to 80 ft. There will be a vehicular connection to the existing residential subdivision to the east of the existing lake.
Local Law #5 providing for “no parking” signs at the Colonial/Driftwood Playground was adopted following a public hearing at which no one spoke.
A public information meeting on Fisherman’s Landing has been scheduled for 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 7. Additional public input is needed as required by the grant for the project.
A return of $20,000 in escrow funds was returned to John Yensan of 6th St. upon construction of a home on land where he had dug a pond. The money put in escrow insures the town against residents just digging ponds for the clay with no intent to use the property for other purposes.
A resolution was adopted regarding new regulations on reporting for elected or appointed officials. It provides for the governing board of a participating employer of an elected or appointed official to establish, by resolution, a standard work day for each elective or appointive office or position. It should include the number of hours prescribed as a standard work day, expiration of term and evidence that the employer maintains an actual daily record of time worked for each appointed or elected official holding office for a period of three consecutive months. No fewer than six hours nor more than eight hours shall be established as a full-time standard work day.
In other business, the board:
Adopted a resolution dedicating the town highway to be known as Waterford Park provided the annexed deed is filed by the attorney for Isle Landings and the town is given a certified copy documenting the satisfactory filing.
Re-approved a site plan for Life Technologies at 3715 Staley Road to build an on-site wastewater treatment facility that is smaller than originally planned.
Renewed a bid with Ball Toilet & Septic Services for a liquid sludge hauling contract at $0.04799 per gallon for another two year term.
Awarded the Grand Island Safe Routes to School Project to Custom Topsoil Inc. in the amount of $89,679.99.
Renewed the HVAC preventive maintenance contract with MJ Mechanical for Grand Island Town Hall at a cost of $3,984.
Renewed the HVAC preventive maintenance contract with MJ Mechanical for Grand Island Library and Parks Building at cost $2,150.
Denied an exception to subdivision regulations request from Sandra Merletti at 2107 West River Road to transfer 10 ft. of land from that address to 2117 West River Road.
Approved the sale of a corner of landlocked property behind the home of Harold and Kay Tyson of 62 Countryside Lane to the owner of 96 Oakridge for the purpose of fencing in a backyard.
Referred residents to the Grand Island Library annual report that indicates circulation is up and that the library ranks 13th most used out of 36 libraries in Western New York.
Announced that the Independence Day Road Race and Parade would be held Saturday, July 3, but that the Fantasy Island Fireworks will be held Sunday night, July 4.
Town honors Brigadier General Conboy - June 2010

Shown from left, Councilmen Gary Roesch and Richard Crawford, Supervisor Peter McMahon, Brig. Gen. David J. Conboy,
Karen Conboy (Dave's wife), David Conboy (son), Claire Conboy (daughter), Councilwoman Mary Cooke, Janice Ayers, and Councilman
Ray Billica
Mary Stewart Photo - Click photo for larger view
By Joelle Logue
Mon., June 21, 2010 . . .David Conboy, a lifelong resident of Grand Island, was joined by his family on the podium at Town Hall Monday night as the Town Board congratulated him on his promotion to Brigadier General. Currently serving as Wartime Deputy Commanding General for Support of the Eighth US Army in the Republic of Korea, Conboy boasts a stellar military career including numerous command and staff positions including tours of duty in Saudi Arabia and Iraq. A stellar citizen as well, he is vice president of the Neighbors Foundation and is a member of the VFW.
Town officials presented to him a proclamation declaring Saturday, June 19 as Brigadier General David J. Conboy in the Town of Grand Island.
Town Board Meeting Agenda - June 21, 2010
Click for 6/21/10 Town Board Meeting Agenda.Town Board Action
Parks & Rec. Board Request Tobacco Free Parks, Tree Memorial Plan - June 2010
By Joelle Logue
June 7, 2010 . . . Two proposals from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board were referred to the Town Board and Town Attorney for review during Monday night’s Town Board meeting.
The advisory board is requesting a policy to make all Grand Island parks and recreation areas tobacco and smoke free and listed the following reasons: there is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke that causes asthma, respiratory infections, cancer and cardiovascular disease; tobacco use in the proximity of children is unhealthy to both participants and observers; tobacco products are often discarded on the ground thus posing a risk of ingestion to children as well as a litter problem.
Compliance would be voluntary and signs in parks and open spaces would read that these are designated tobacco-free areas. Information will be distributed throughout the community to inform residents of the policy.
Another request is to make available a Town of Grand Island Remembrance Tree Program with the possibility of three options.
Option 1 requires purchase of a tree or shrub from an approved list and pre-approved nurseries. The nursery will plant the tree on town property in a specific location with oversight of the Parks and Recreation Dept. The Town would provide the following at a cost of $125 per tree or shrub, a 4x6” marker listing the Latin or common name and remembrance dedication plus an irrigation bag, tree wrapping and appropriate care.
Option 2 allows donors to purchase a tree directly through the Town for a total cost of $200. The town would provide everything listed in Option 1. Plantings would be conducted in May and November.
Option 3 provides for alternative ideas for remembrance including benches, boulders, tables, trash receptacles. Prices and selections would be available through the Parks & Recreation Dept. and will include a 4x6” remembrance marker.
Town Board Action
Public Comment on Cell Towers & Sidewalks
Takes Up Lions Share of Town Meeting - June 2010
By Joelle Logue
June 7, 2010 . . . After 15 minutes of taking care of items on the Town Board agenda, Monday, several residents with specific matters on their minds extended the meeting by another half hour. Dr. Robert Lutnick took the microphone first to air his concerns about grant money that will fund repairs to sidewalks and provide for installation of new sidewalks in proximity to Kaegebein School. He presented a list of 27 names in opposition to the sidewalk project and cited the fact that putting in new sidewalks would cause problems rather than solve problems. He stated that many of the homes on LaSalle, Elsie Lane, Stony Point and East Park were inhabited by elderly citizens who would have the onerous task of keeping up the sidewalks (shoveling in winter and making repairs when necessary within a two-week time frame). Rather than build new sidewalks, he suggested addressing the degraded sidewalk conditions in Falconwood, an older neighborhood where sidewalks have fallen into disrepair.
Alice Blain added to Dr. Lutnick’s comments by saying that kids will walk in the street even if there are sidewalks, and she wondered what would happen to the old trees along the road where the sidewalks would be installed.
Members of the Oliveri family (Dan, Peter, Bernie and Mary) spoke in opposition to the proposed cell tower at West River/Fix Road and cited the fact that building a new access road for the tower would add to already existing drainage problems. Peter pointed out that there was no need for another tower when there was one at the water plant and another on the pipeline. Alternate sites have been suggested by the residents and they urged the Town Board to protect their neighborhood.
A Statewide Environmental Quality Review on three proposed towers (Long Road, West River/Fix Road and Veteran’s Park) will be held at 6:30 p.m. June 21 in Town Hall. The meeting is open but residents will not be permitted to speak.
The Town Board will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. Monday, June 21 for consideration of establishing no parking restrictions in the front of and for five feet on each side of the entrance to Colonial Driftwood playground.
Referred to the Town Board for further review was a resolution in support of conducting a generic SEQR for all undeveloped non-residential property on Grand Island.
The Town Board adopted a resolution submitted by the NYS Town Clerk’s Association in opposition to two NYS Senate bills and an Assembly bill requiring all dogs to be micro-chipped and requiring towns to keep a registry of dogs that would contain information on whether a dog has successfully completed basic obedience training prior to being granted a dog license. Not only would these bills put an undue burden on owners, it would put an undue burden on Town Clerks to monitor all dogs since the NYS Dept. of Agriculture and Markets has proposed to remove licensing of dogs from state control and hand it over to all local municipalities.
A special use renewal requested by Parkland Enterprises Inc. for a service station and convenience store at Ransom and Stony Point was referred to the town board for consideration. The Board intends to invite owners to a meeting to discuss the project that has been ongoing for a number of years.
A change order for Baseline Road water transmission main to accommodate the installation of hydrants on the new 16” waterline and removal of the existing 10” water line was approved in the amount of $23,600. The work is being done to maintain fire protection for the residents in the vicinity of the work.
Approved was the hiring of part time seasonal employees for the summer recreation program as follows: Adam Townsend, Victoria Kostenbauder and Morgan Green at $7.50 per hour and Lauren Whitney at $8.70 per hour.
Councilman Gary Roesch announced that the Father’s Day Lawnmower race to benefit the American Cancer Society would be held along West River from noon to 4 p.m. June 20.
Approved Town Board Meeting Minutes - Mon., May 17, 2010
Click for 5/17/10 Town Board Meeting Minutes.Town Board Meeting Agenda - Mon., June , 2010
Click for 6/7/10 Town Board Meeting Agenda.Town Board Action
New Zoning Amendments Address Campgrounds, Boathouse, Fire Stations - May 2010
By Joelle Logue
May 17, 2010 . . . The Town Board, Monday, after a public hearing at which no one spoke, adopted Local Law #4 that amended the zoning code. It provides for a new definition of campgrounds as being “a facility providing access, water, sanitary, and electrical services where persons are lodged in cabins, tents or a lodge for a seasonal or temporary period of time (less than 90 days) for recreational purposes.”
In addition, “cabins and tents…shall not exceed 500 sq, ft., covered trash and garbage receptacles must be provided and the campground shall be kept free of litter, trash and debris.” No mobile homes or trailers are permitted and no vacant recreational vehicles can be stored there. The design and operation must not decrease the quality of the environment. Lighting fixtures should be arranged to reflect light away from adjoining residential lots. Noise barriers, berming, landscaping and/or fencing may be required to protect the health, safety and welfare of neighboring properties.
The law also limits the number of boats to three (including power boats, rowboats, canoes and sailboats) in boathouses and docking facilities that are in residential districts. There is also a height limitation of one-story (16) from mean high water level.
Under the new Local Law 4, fire stations are permitted in every zoning district and the Town Board may, at its discretion, require a site plan. Additionally, the definition of essential public services is clarified as not including fire stations.
Another public hearing to consider a commercial horse boarding operation by Mary Beth and Jeffrey Smith at 2655 Fix Road met with some objection by neighboring residents. Christopher Russell listed many items of concern. He said the area was a residential neighborhood and should not be zoned for any commercial business. He stated the horse boarding would cause negative impacts to real estate values, truck traffic would increase, and cited additional odors from horse manure, no off street parking for horse owners, and that a federal emergent wetland might be impacted. Donald Dickenson and Paul Schultz also spoke in opposition. The special use permit request was referred to the Town Board for further review.
Motions were approved to amend the budget in the amount of $17,000 that is a town match for a $100,000 Community Block grant, and for the supervisor to sign the contracts required to complete the grant. The funds will provide for sidewalk construction and repairs in the area of Kaegebein School (8,400 sq. ft. of new sidewalk and 1,700 sq. ft. of repairs on LaSalle and Elsie Lane).
In order for Life Technologies to receive Empire Zone designation as a regionally significant project, the Town Board passed a resolution in support of the designation. Concurrently, the resolution was on the Town of Tonawandas agenda.
A merger of lots request by Nancy and Robert Davis of 1384 Glen Avon Road to allow an addition to be built onto their home was approved . The Davis family owns both lots.
Summer hires were approved for the Town Recreation Dept. as follows: Roger Wright and Susan Szczublewski as instructors at $20 per hour; returning program personnel Kolby Banker, Reba Conway, Joel Klock, Elizabeth Stanko, Kathleen Gilmore, Liam Dodd, Chris McDonnell, Kelsey Mash, Aaron Wood, Molly Hyland, Smarjot Cheema at $7.50 per hour; swimming instructors Pat Kostenbauder at $15 per hour and James Sica at $12 per hour; Lifeguards Scott Rogers, Lauren Fonte, Ben Bakula at $7.80 per hour; new hires Evan Shaw, Haroon Khawar, Alex Killian, Korey Hagan, Kelly Stark and Kathryn Boutet at $7,50 per hour.
In other business, the Board:
Approved a budget amendment in the amount of $18,231 for the purchase of hardware and software and professional services required to implement the system to collect GIS data.
Referred to the Town Board ad cost share proposal from Erie County for mosquito larvae control.
Accepted with regret the resignation of Dennis Badame from the Board of Ethics.
Approved the closing of Whitehaven Road on Saturday, June 26 from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. to accommodate Island Happenings/KidBiz activities sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce; and the use of Marion Klingel Town Common with the town providing barricades, police, porta potties, garbage cans, picnic tables and bleachers.
Approved the residential use of a travel trailer at 1086 Baseline Road until September because of family medical circumstances.
Announced that the Golden Age Center’s 50th anniversary celebration is scheduled for Sunday, May 23 from 1-4 p.m.
Reminded residents about Memorial Day ceremonies taking place at DeGlopper Park at 10 a.m.
Announced that the Rotary lobster fest will be held June 11 under a tent at the Buffalo Launch Club and that tickets were selling out.
Town Board Action
Town Podium Filled With Honorees - May 2010
By Joelle Logue
May 17, 2010 . . . Four proclamations were handed out Monday night in honor of Buddy Poppy Days, Boy Scouts who earned awards and 22 DECA students.
Saturday, May 8 was proclaimed as Andrew Donahue Day in the Town to honor his earning of Boy Scout Venturing Silver Award. Venturing is a youth development program and Andrew is the Greater Niagara Frontier Council’s third Silver Award qualifier and its first scout who earned both a Silver Award and an Eagle rank.
Sunday, May 16 was proclaimed Nicholas Peter Ernst Day in the Town to honor him for earning the rank of Eagle Scout as a member of Boy Scout Troop 610 sponsored by St. Stephen Church. His Eagle Scout project was completing a trail project in Beaver Island State Park which involved more than 130 hours of work.
DECA students, 22 in all from Grand Island High School, were recognized for attending the 2010 NYS Career Conference competing in areas such as Public Speaking, Hospitality Services, Decision Making Marketing and Broadcast Advertising and earning medals. May 17 has been declared DECA Day in Grand Island.
Kester Bleich, Wally Wigdorski, Jerry Korzen and Alan Lee were among the VFW members receiving a proclamation declaring that VFW Buddy Poppy Days are May 27, 28 an 29 on Grand Island. The yearly sale of Buddy Poppies is accepted as a symbol of remembrance for Memorial Day. The sale honors the dead by helping the living. Proceeds benefit widows and orphans of deceased veterans and also provide for disabled and needy veterans at the National Home in Eaton Rapids, Michigan.
Approved Town Board Meeting Minutes - Mon., May 3, 2010
Click for 5/3/10 Town Board Meeting Minutes.Town Board Meeting Agenda - Mon., May 17, 2010
Click for 5/17/10 Town Board Meeting Agenda.Town Board Action
Proclamations Honors Seniors, Salvation Army - May 2010
By Joelle Logue
May 3, 2010 . . .The Town Board, Monday, recognized members of the Golden Age Club who led attendees in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Proclaiming the month of May Older Americans Month, town officials cited the Golden Age Club, established in 1959, for its continuum of services, stimulating opportunities and friendly environment for Grand Island’s older Americans. About a dozen members attended led by President Kathy Lechner.
Captain Steve Lyle of the Salvation Army Post in Tonawanda was on hand to receive a proclamation declaring May 10-14 National Salvation Army Week. The Salvation Army, which began its ministry in the Tonawandas and Grand island in 1963, is known for its emergency services providing toys, food, rental assistance, referrals and more to citizens in need throughout the year.
Town Board Action
Public Hearing Set On Horse Boarding Operation - May 2010
By Joelle Logue
May 3, 2010 . . . A public hearing is scheduled for 8 p.m. Monday, May 17 to consider a special use permit for Mary Beth and Jeffrey Smith of 2655 Fix Road to operate a commercial horse boarding operation. The Smiths own a residence with horses, barns and hay fields on 35 acres. Currently the property has a five-horse approved permit, but the Smiths have increased the number of stalls and now require an agricultural permit. In a letter to the Town Board the Smiths stated that there is no intention to run a commercial riding stable which generally offers riding lessons and horse rental to the public.
A second public hearing May 17 will address zoning code amendments with regard to adding fire stations to certain zoning districts, defining camp grounds more specifically and considering changes to the height of boat houses and docking facilities.
Temporary Certificates of Occupancy were approved for Key Bank at 2180 Grand Island Blvd. and JB Landscaping at 2569 Whitehaven Road. Both are contingent upon receipt of a building location survey and any other conditions that the Town wishes to apply. For Key Bank the only uncompleted item is landscaping around the building that is valued at $6,300. JB Landscaping still needs some paving estimated at $20,000 and landscaping at $5000.
After a long tenure on the Library Board of Trustees, Barbara Birt has tendered her resignation. Larry Slovick has been appointed to fill Birt’s term that expires at the end of 2010. Appointed to fill the term of Scott Smith, now deceased, is Patricia Ruzzuto who will serve until December 2011.
A request for a waiver of subdivision regulations from Sandra Merletti of 2107 West River to transfer 10 feet of property to the lot next door (2117 West River) was referred to the Planning Board, town engineer, code enforcement officer and town attorney for review. The piece of property Merletti is referencing once belonged to the 2117 address and she wants it transferred back.
Harold and Kay Tyson would like to sell a corner of their landlocked property at 62 Countryside to the owner of 96 Oakridge so he can better fence off his backyard. The request is referred to the Planning Board, town engineer and code enforcement officer for a recommendation.
Two letters opposing proposed cell tower locations were referred to the Town Board for consideration. One from the West River Homeowners Association contained concerns about the Verizon plan for West River Road. Residents feel that a new road will aggravate an already poor drainage situation and that the feeling of tranquility will be disturbed during construction. They also object to the noise from the electric generators needed for the tower equipment. The residents suggest alternate sites: - one that is a short distance straight back from the proposed Fix Road entrance and another one behind the pony ranch at Fix/Legion roads. A second letter from New York State Senator Antoine Thompson who heard resident opposition at a public hearing writes against the placement of a 120 ft. cell phone tower in Veterans Park. Thompson wrote the tower site would negatively impact the scenic and recreational nature of the park and does not meet the “minimal intrusion requirement” which includes a Veterans’ Memorial.
Referred to the Town Engineer for coordination with the Safe to School grant was a letter from the county announcing that the Town has been awarded $100,000 in federal Community Block Grant money for the Grandyle Village Sidewalk Improvement project. The Town has a matching grant requirement of $17,000.
The hiring of part-time recreation attendants was approved for maintenance and programs. They are John Loos, Kevin Beyer, Keil Clark, Justin Samland, Neil DeMartin, Jared Billica, Rich Karpie, John Russell Certo, Ben Certo, Joe Strano, Kelly Williams, Lisa Kurpiewski, Simarjot Cheema, Kathryn Gilmore, Kelsey Mash, Greg Feathers, Mike Karpie.
In other business, the board:
Designated Town Attorney Peter Godfrey as the Town’s affirmative action officer as a requirement of membership in the Community Development Block Grant program.
Approved the hiring of Colin Gallagher and Erik Billica as seasonal full time employees for summer help in the Water Dept. and Tim Burns as a seasonal full time employee for summer help in the Wastewater Dept. at a pay rate of $8.50 effective May 4.
Approved the appointment of Gregory Stephan as Water Plant Operator at the starting rate of $22.31 per hour effective May 3.
Awarded the Pressure Swing Absorption System Upgrades to Mixing & Mass Transfer Technologies at a cost of $222,750.
Approved the hiring of Jessie Petit as a summer intern Engineering Dept. at a rate of $11.85 per hour effective May 4.
Awarded the purchase of topsoil and concrete for miscellaneous work done by the Town to Bush Trucking & Landscaping (topsoil) at $13.95 per yard and to Podlucky Construction (concrete) at $6.50 per sq. ft.
Awarded the cleaning and inspection of the Water Treatment Plant Intake to Allen Marine Services at a cost of $11,000.
Awarded a bid for boiler replacement at the library to MJ Mechanical Services at a cost of $20,906.
Announced that Erie County will hold a Household Hazardous Waste Day May 8 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at ECC North.
Announced that volunteers are needed for tree plantings at Ed Ball and Tower parks May 8 from 9 a.m. to noon with a rain date of May 9 at 1 p.m.
Announced that the Rotary Club will hold a hot dog sale from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday, May 7 and 8, and that the American Legion Flower Sale will be held May 7 and May 8 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Approved Town Board Meeting Minutes - Mon., April 19, 2010
Click for 4/19/10 Town Board Meeting Minutes.Town Board Meeting Agenda - Mon., May 3, 2010
Click for 5/3/10 Town Board Meeting Agenda.Town Board Action
Concept of Island-wide SEQR To Be Reviewed - April 2010
By Joelle Logue
April 19, 2010 . . .There was no recommendation from the Planning Board, Monday, about correspondence from the Commission on the Conservation of the Environment opposing the concept of an Islandwide State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR). In a workshop prior to the Town Board meeting, members of the board decided there should be further meetings on the subject since little discussion has taken place. According to Supervisor Peter McMahon, doing a town-wide generic SEQR could be beneficial in giving the Town general knowledge on what is out there and it may be able to fast track some development that falls within specific zoning guidelines where variances are not needed. In some cases traffic studies may still be needed and SEQR on wetlands last only five years due to the fact that they may change in size.
Supervisor McMahon also believes a town-wide SEQR could give the Town a competitive edge in bidding for commercial developments by knowing ahead what land could be developed and by eliminating the lengthy SEQR process that would delay or prevent development.
Opponents to the idea question how it would be financed as it could be an expensive project, and they question who would do it. Environmentalists focused on protecting wetlands and adjacent neighborhoods are also concerned about eliminating the need for SEQR on individual projects that could result in negating quality of life issues.
A public hearing was held regarding final plat approval for Island Meadows Subdivision Phase 3A (14 lots). Deborah Kline spoke about her concerns with the plan to link Old Carriage Road with Regency Drive thus making a traffic loop that would tempt drag racing. She views this as a danger to children in the neighborhood. The board, nevertheless, approved the final plat. Supervisor McMahon said that the plan had SEQRA approval in 2004 that was later reaffirmed in 2006.
A proclamation was presented to Town Clerk Patricia Frentzel in observation of Town Clerks Week, April 19-23. Stating that the office of Town Clerk is the oldest among all pubic offices and serves as the information center of local government providing impartial and equal service to all the citizens of the community, the proclamation also recognized that the office of the Town Clerk is constantly improved by participation in education programs, seminars, workshops and other annual meetings of its professional organizations.
At the request of Marybeth Hall of West River Road, the Town Board agreed to abandon the paper street, Vosges, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney, Town Highway Superintendent and subject to completion and filing of legal paperwork.
In other business, the board:
Authorized the supervisor to sign a Memorandum of Agreement with the union, CSEA, to eliminate the title of “mini-computer operator” and replace it with “senior account clerk typist.”
Awarded the bid for supplying fuel with a fuel management system to NOCO Energy Corporation to be implemented May 1 at a cost of $149,311.70.
Approved a special use renewal for the keeping of two agricultural animals for Carol Merckel at 2324 East River Road.
Announced that volunteers are needed for a tree planting that will take place at 9 a.m. May 8 at Ed Ball Park located at Love and Stony Point.
Announced that the Rotary Hot Dog Sale will take place May 7th and 8th in Tops Parking Lot.
Approved Town Board Meeting Minutes - Mon., April 5, 2010
Click for 4/5/10 Town Board Meeting Minutes.Town Board Meeting Agenda - Mon., April 19, 2010
Click for 4/19/10 Town Board Meeting Agenda.New Town Hall Court Room - April 2010

Click photo for larger view
On April 5, 2010 Administrative Judge, Paula Feroleto and Supervising Judge M. William Boller of the Eighth Judicial District presented a check for $20, 300.00 awarded to the Town of Grand Island and Town of Grand Island Court from the JCAP Grant for the year 2009.This Grant was used for the renovation of the Courtroom, which had not been remodeled for approximately 40 years. A new bench was constructed, new carpeting and a new floor were installed and a new railing for the Jury Box was added. The Courtroom is absolutely beautiful. Handicap seats in the gallery and new tables for the attorneys and the DA for trials were added also, along with new oak railings to separate the seating area and the bench area.
In the year 2008 Grand Island was awarded a grant also for new seating in the Courtroom which were installed at the time of the remodel.
"We certainly urge all Courts to take advantage of the JCAP Grants when they are available. We have had so many wonderful comments from the public on how wonderful the Courtroom looks," Town Court Clerk Maria Burns said this week.
Town Board Action
Public Hearing set for Island Meadows Phase 3 - April, 2010
By Joelle Logue
April 5, 2010 . . .The Town Board, in a brief meeting Monday, set a public hearing for 8 p.m. April 19 to consider Phase 3A (14 lots) for the Island Meadows Subdivision located at Regency and Old Carriage House. Last September the Town referred Phase 3A to the Engineering Dept. to address problems with some infrastructure elements. The Engineering Dept. spent time with the project’s design engineer to implement the changes necessary to meet the town’s regulations for construction and is now recommending proceeding with final plat approval.
A request to advertise for bids on the Safe Route School Project (extra sidewalks to service Kaegebein School) was tabled so that the bids can reference the Community Block Grant that will also be earmarked for the project.
Wendel Duchscherer was awarded the bid for the Geographic Information Systems Implementation Plan at a cost of $35,995. The work is being accomplished under a New York State Archives and Records (SARA) Grant ($36,462) that was awarded to the town for this purpose.
It was agreed that Wendel Duchscherer will also provide the engineering component during construction of the waterline replacement at the water treatment plant as well as provide resident observation services. The additional costs of these services amount to $32,700 and are currently in the capital plan. The bonding has already been approved.
The following seasonal hires for the Recreation Dept. (part time maintenance workers) were approved: Tom Digati, Neil Hoffman, Kyle Moody, Dave Cole, Peter Pitts, Gerald Peete, Clifford Smith, Anne Dyet and Joe Wilson. Part-time seasonal workers Hoffman, Moody and Cole will work 40 hours for 20 weeks (May 3-Sept. 30). Permission was also granted for Thomas Cecere to become Seasonal Crew Chief from May 3-Sept. 30 at a rate of $29.30 per hour.
Additional monies adding up to around $50,000 for three boilers, option B of a lighting program and replacement of emergency lights for the Grand Island Library was approved as part of its construction grant.
Supervisor Peter McMahon reminded residents of the bridge lane closures to the South Grand Island bridges that began Monday night at 8 p.m. The Beaver Island and Staley Road exits will be closed during the re-construction phase.
In other business, the Board:
Accepted a bid from Viking-Cives for two 2010, 10 ft. all season dump boxes at $24,182 each to be used by the Highway Dept.
Agreed to advertise for bids on pressure swing absorption upgrades for the wastewater treatment plant with the opening of the bids set for April 28 at 10 a.m.
Approved a telecommunication Tower Permit renewal for AT&T Mobility at Carl Road.
Referred a letter in opposition to the rezoning request of Sheridan Transit Gun Club by Michael Fifolt to the Town Board.
Approved Town Board Meeting Minutes - Mon., March 15, 2010
Click for 3/15/10 Town Board Meeting Minutes.Town Board Meeting Agenda - Mon., April 5, 2010
Click for 4/5/10 Town Board Meeting Agenda.Approved Town Board Meeting Minutes - Mon., March 1, 2010
Click for 3/1/10 Town Board Meeting Minutes.Town Board Meeting Agenda - Mon., March 15, 2010
Click for 3/15/10 Town Board Meeting Agenda.Town Board Action - March 1, 2010
March 1, 2010 . . .The Town Board met on Monday, March 1, 2010 with Father Earle King of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Church giving the invocation. Councilman Ray Billica was excused from the meeting.
A public hearing was held for consideration of rezoning a portion of the Whitehaven Campground from commercial/recreational to R1-A. No one spoke and the rezoning was referred to the town board for SEQR (State Environmental Quality Review).
The board agreed to authorize Supervisor Peter McMahon to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Isledegrande to maintain the Town Common sign.
Kevin Lesika of Tonawanda, NY was hired as Senior Engineer Assistant at the grade 6 start rate of $18.26/hour.
Curtis Nestark was reappointed a member of the Historic Preservation Advisory Board for a two-year term expiring December 31, 2011.
Diane Evans was re-appointed to a five-year term on the Conservation Commission.
Highway Superintendent James B. Tomkins was authorized to bid on one new and unused 2010 10' All Season Dump Box.
Highway Superintendent Tomkins requested and was given permission to place 11 vehicles for sale with the Online Auctioneer, Auctions International, Inc. These items will be posted online Tuesday, March 2, 2010.
The Town Engineering Department recommended calling for a public hearing regarding application for Final Plat Approval for Phase 3 (23 Lots) for the Waterford Park Subdivision.
Public hearings were set for 8 p.m. March 15th for the following :
Creating lighting district #58 - Ransom Village Section 4E
Final Plat Approval - Waterford Park Subdivision, Phase 3, 23 Lots
Final Plat Approval - Country Club Cottages Subdivision, Phase 1, 26 Lots
Suspended rules to act on public hearing for a new law regarding tax exemptions - Business Investment Exemption Real Property Tax Law 485-b
A special use permit renewal was approved for Glen Wallace, 917 North Colony Road for a Bed and Breakfast.
The request for rezoning of the Sheridan Transit Rod and Gun Club at 551 Ransom Road from R1-D to CR drew correspondence from four residents in the general area who are opposed to the rezoning.
The next regular town board meeting will be held 8 p.m. Monday, March 15, 2010.
Approved Town Board Meeting Minutes - Mon., February 1, 2010
Click for 2/1/10 Town Board Meeting Minutes.Town Board Meeting Agenda - Mon., March 1, 2010
Click for 3/1/10 Town Board Meeting Agenda.Time Warner Cable Senior Discount Program - 2010
A Senior Discount Program is offered by Tim Warner Cable, Buffalo Division. Qualifications are:65 or older
TWC account MUST BE in applicant's name
Maximum Total Household income = $17,200
Information needed for Discount:
Proof of age (need copy of identification
Customer requesting is the account holder (copy of most recent bill)
Proof of qualifying household income (copy needed)
Proof: Front page of IRS 1040 or Social Security Statement with total household income (showing $17,200 or less)
Forms are available at the town hall, 2255 Baseline Road (first floor to the left of the main entrance in the round rotating literature storage cabinet)
The discount is only available for Broadcast Basic service. Any other service will disqualify this discount.
Town Board Action
Town To Add Positions In Engineeringl/Accounting - February 1, 2010
By Joelle Logue
February 1, 2010 . . .The Town Board, during a brief meeting Monday, authorized Supervisor Peter McMahon to file PO-17 forms for the County to create three part-time jobs in the engineering department and one full time position in the accounting department. The part-time positions in the engineering department are for zoning inspector, engineering aide and seasonal engineering aide at a maximum of 19 hours per week. The full time position in the accounting department is for a senior account clerk-typist.
A public hearing has been scheduled for 8 p.m. March 1 for consideration of rezoning a portion of the Whitehaven Campground from commercial/recreational to R1-A.
A professional service agreement with Scheid & Associates Architectural firm was authorized for the design phase of Fisherman’s Landing subject to approval by the Department of State and the Town Attorney. Funds for this project are included in the capital plan and the bonding has been approved.
Three letters were submitted to the Town Board regarding the request to rezone the Rod and Gun Club on Ransom Road from residential to commercial. David Ungaro and Jayne Schaber both objected to the rezoning based on potential increased noise that would hinder quality of life and property values. A third letter written by Leo Shonitsky Jr. supported the rezoning.
A request by Carol Traina of Westwood Drive to reduce the speed limit on Westwood from 35 mph to 20 or 25 mph was referred to the Traffic Safety Advisory Board. She stated in a letter to the Town Board that Westwood was only three-tenths of a mile long and is a dead end street. Six of the homes have children residing in them who are often outside riding their bikes, skating boarding or walking to each others' homes.
The zoning board has granted a variance for Double D Construction on Bedell Road with regard to a site plan approval for a contractor’s yard. Granted was a six-year timeline for the project with containers to be removed no later than January 1, 2016. A request by Dan Drexeilus to refund the variance fee was referred to the Town Attorney.
In other business, the Town Board:
Awarded a bid for the waterline improvement project at the Water Treatment Plant to Milherst Construction in the amount of $404,700.
Announced that a pancake breakfast to benefit the Cancer Society’s Relay for Life will be held Sunday from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Announced that the VFW Ladies Auxiliary would be holding a spaghetti dinner Feb. 20 from 4-7 p.m.
Reminded residents that the next Town Board meeting would be Monday, March 1 due to the fact that officials would be attending the Association of Towns meetings in New York City on Monday, Feb. 15.
Approved Town Board Meeting Minutes - Tues., January 19, 2010
Click for 1/19/10 Town Board Meeting Minutes.Town Board Meeting Agenda - Mon., February 1, 2010
Click for 2/1/10 Town Board Meeting Agenda.Approved Town Board Meeting Minutes - Mon., January 4, 2010
Click for 1/4/10 Town Board Meeting Minutes.Town Board Meeting Agenda - Tues., January 19, 2010
Click for 1/19/10 Town Board Meeting Agenda.Approved Town Board Meeting Minutes - Mon., December 21, 2009
Click for 12/21/09 Town Board Meeting Minutes.Employment Opportunity - Town of GI - 2010
The Town of Grand Island is seeking a Full Time Conditional Permanent Senior Engineer Assistant. This engineering technician position involves assisting civil/sanitary engineers by compiling data, making surveys and inspections and preparing drawings. Click for Engineer Assistant for complete information.Town Board Meeting Agenda - Mon., January 4, 2010
Click for 1/4/10 Town Board Meeting Agenda.Town Officials Installed On New Year's Day - 2010

(left photo) Highway Superintendent JT Tomkins, Town Justice Mark Frentzel, Town Justice Hon. Sybil Kennedy, Councilman Ray Billica, Councilwoman Mary Cooke, and Hon. Eugene F. Pigott Jr.
Alice Gerard Photo (right) - Ray Billica is shown with his mother, Ann; his wife, Debbie; and sons, Joshua, Erik and Jared.
Click photos for larger view
Hon. Eugene F. Pigott Jr. New York State Court of Appeals, officially installed two Grand Island council members, a town justice and highway superintendent on January 1, 2010 in the Grand Island Golden Age Center. Installed were Councilwoman Mary Cooke who won her fifth term on the board on Tuesday, November 2, 2009; Ray Billica also elected to the town council; Mark J. Frentzel, elected to another term as Town Justice; and JT Tomkins, newly elected highway superintendent. A reception followed the noon inauguration.
Town Board Action - 2010
Supervisor, Town Board Appoint - 2010
Monday, Jan. 4, 2010 . . .The following appointments were
made during the reorganization meeting of the Town of Grand Island Monday.
Supervisor Peter McMahon appointed Richard Crawford Jr. as Deputy Supervisor for 2010.
Supervisor Peter McMahon named the following committees:
Audit: Mary Cooke (Chair) and Gary Roesch
Personnel Committee: Supervisor Peter McMahon, Richard Crawford Jr.
Sidewalk & Bike Path Committee: Chair Peter McMahon
Town Engineer John Whitney
Traffic Safety Advisory Board, Councilwoman Mary Cooke
Highway Supt. J. T. Tompkins
Planning Board Frank Sturniolo
Recreation Director Linda Tufillaro
Special Districts:
Peter McMahon (chair)Councilwoman Mary Cooke
Town Engineer John Whitney
Water Dept.: Sr. Plant Operator Brian Pettitt
Water Dept.: Working Crew Chief Don Hoover
Wastewater Dept.: Chief Plant Operator Ian James
Wastewater Dept.: Working Crew Chief Mike Braun
Advisory Board Appointments
Architectural Review Board: Kenneth Killian for a five-year term expiring Dec. 31, 2014. Commission for Conservation of the Environment: Sam Akinbami reappointed for a five-year term expiring Dec. 31, 2014.
Economic Development Advisory Board: John Bonora, Robert Christmann and Michael Steinagel reappointed for three-year terms expiring Dec. 31, 2012.
Historical Preservation Board: Curtis Nestark reappointed for one-year term expiring Dec. 31, 2010, Sharon Nichols reappointed for one-year term expiring Dec. 31, 20101 and Town Historian Teddy Linenfelser for a one-year term expiring Dec. 31, 2010.
Human Rights: Christine Sanborn reappointed for a five-year term expiring Dec. 31, 2014.
Library Trustees: Fay Rech McDonald reappointed for a five-year term expiring Dec. 31, 2014.
Planning Board: Frank Greco reappointed for a seven-year term expiring Dec. 31, 2016.
Traffic Safety: Frank DelSignore, Betty Harris and Christopher Pyc re-appointed for three-year terms expiring Dec. 31, 2012.
Zoning Board of Appeals: Peter McKee reappointed for a five-year term expiring Dec. 31, 2014 and as chair of the Zoning Board of Appeals (two-year term - 12/31/11).
Tim Phillips was appointed alternate to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a one-year term, expiring December 31, 2010
Douglas Learman was re-appointed Code Enforcement Officer, Kevin Koch as Deputy Code Enforcement Officer and Michael Eisenhauer as Code Enforcement Officer B Part Time.
Town Attorney Peter Godfrey and Payroll Clerk Diane Nesbitt were appointed Harassment Complaint Officers.
Teddy Linenfelser was re-appointed Town Historian for 2009.
Supervisor Peter A. McMahon was appointed Liaison and Police Commissioner of the Grand Island Police Department for 2010
Town Board liaisons:
Gary Roesch (Economic Development, Planning Board and Communications & Cable/Communication, Golden Age Club and Safety Committee)Mary Cooke (Environmental Conservation Board, Historical Preservation and Human Rights)
Richard W. Crawford Jr. (Traffic Safety Advisory Board, Library Trustees, Citizens Corps, Parks & Recreation Board)
Ray A. Billica (Traffic Safety Advisory Board, Architectural Review Board)
Peter A. McMahon (Long Range Planning Committee)
Citizen Corps Council: Richard W. Crawford Jr.
Hodgson Russ, LL, Peter C. Godfrey, Esq. of Counsel appointed town attorneys for 2010
Gregory Butcher was appointed Deputy Disaster Coordinator for 2010
Joseph P. Donlon was appointed Deputy Highway Superintendent.
Patricia Frentzel was reappointed Registrar of Vital Statistics for the Town for a four-year term set to expire Dec. 31, 2011.